What do you value? I’ve asked that question to many aspiring artists and invariably get answers that have nothing to do with value itself.
Women more than men se their kids as their greatest value. I get that. Family comes first, but when I ask what THEIR most important value is, I get blank stares.
What would you do for yourself?
People live through other people and their values. We have forgotten to put ourselves first. Only when you put yourself first will you have a chance to value yourSELF and find out what really matters.
So many times I hear people wanting to make art, but there is always a “but” in the sentence. “When things slow down,” by such and such date. “When the kids are in college.” The most popular: “When I have some extra time.”
You know they won’t pick up a paintbrush or marker any time soon. It is sad, but that’s their choice.
What is important for your own evolution?
Mine is definitely creativity and also spirituality. Without
Along those lines, I create every day. There is no tomorrow or compromises. Part of me always try to find excuses, like “I’m too tired,” “I’m not inspired,” “I’m not really any good at my art.”
Those are all bs excuses.
Whatever your dream or inclination, go for it. TODAY!! Start now.
On my work table, an unfinished soft bird sculpture, and a somewhat finished abstract painting.

Starting on February 4, I’m offering a free 5-day virtual art retreat with meditation and art creating (whatever your medium.)
If you want to join, please add your email to the list. I will send out the particulars at the end of January. A 5-day creative self-love boost! You can read all about it HERE.
You can sign up for the email HERE.
Happy New Year, and happy creation.
Love, Maria
P,S. I have fresh ready-to-use art journals in my etsy shop today. EarthandFaery.