Art is self-care, no bones about it. I have heard an excuse for not making art that baffles me.
“I don’t start painting because it might consume my entire life.”
I realize we’re prone to binge watch shows we like or read a book cover to cover in one night, but at some point you have to abandon those things in the course of a day (or night.)
We have to eat, mind children, do chores. They might get set aside temporarily and dealt with later, but I can safely say no one will be consumed by art.
It’s nice sometimes to lose oneself in a creative effort, but when the stomach growls it’s time to re-fuel and take a break.
Are we afraid of losing ourselves into FLOW of anything that pulls us? Are we afraid of letting go and experience a deeper sense of connection with that which wants to be expressed? I’d say so.
It’s hard to let go, and fear tends to creep in, not to mention the ego stomping its foot at the idea of letting go.
Self-care involves letting things unfold and enjoying the journey. SELF wants to speak, and CARE is similar to trust, to allow something that might be bigger than our everyday personas.
Art never hurt anyone. If you care about self, it’s time to heed the longing that pushes from inside. Make some art! It’s not going to be the end of the world.
Care also means to care about your art work. When you set out to create, don’t minimize the effort or belittle the expression. It might come out ugly in your OPINION, but it’s about creativity, not about striving to paint like Van Gogh.
It’s time to put some care into the art work. Make it your best and feel the sense of accomplishment.
I was into art journaling this week and asked myself how I could put more care into my art instead of slapping down some paint. There is nothing wrong with process, but what if I took it a step further?
I really wanted to come up with some angle I hadn’t tried before. What would it be like? I have painted many faces, but never used paperback page hair, so I went into my stash of paper. I really like the effect.
I might leave as is or write something on the left. It’s okay to leave and come back at some later date if necessary.
For the above spread I had planned a video, but only captured the background and how I tied it together. I work intuitively, and the recognizable parts appear in the paper background (if any.)
I put a lot of care and thought into every aspect, yet I kept myself open to surprise. To me, that is the best way to inspire and delight myself. The bird above was never planned, and the buddha became the iris of an eye.
So much fun!
Care about yourself and your desires.
Allow them to express in your life.
Care about your art.
When ego stomps all over your art, keep going and ignore it as much as you can.
Allow yourself the care of immersing yourself in your art. If you can’t, well, give it ten minutes a day!
For more inspiration check out this blog post: Because Journaling is Fun.
Lots of inspiration to you.
P.S. I have some new items in my etsy shop if you’re looking for something colorful and fun. 🙂 Earth and Faery