Allowing yourself a great day is for most people not a choice.
Happiness is a choice, but we are never taught how to be happy. It’s not about the things you do in a day, but how you feel inside.
Here in the States, one of the most polite expressions to another person is: “have a great day.” How many people really mean it? It’s one of those automatic sayings that rolls off the tongue, like “thank you.”
How many people know how to be happy? Not many; it’s not something we’re taught in school.
I like to meditate in the morning every day. There is a source of happiness in my heart, riding on the life-giving stream of breath. This is a knowledge I was fortunate to acquire in my youth, but how many people have that know-how?
Allowing yourself happiness is to seek what truly makes you happy. There is only ONE thing in the long run, and it lies within you.
However, to make a day complete, you have to do things that uplift you. I encounter so many people who are miserable at their jobs and see no way out of the constant grind.
I decided a long time ago that I did not want a “career” and to be miserable. I found my joy in writing and art. My working life has been a roller-coaster ride so far, but I made my own choices, and I don’t regret anything.
It takes two things
Number one, you have to WANT to find happiness.
Number two, you have to make a DECISION to be happier and stick with it through thick and thin.
The thing is, there are answers to all of your questions, and it takes courage to stick with anything worthwhile. So I guess courage is the third requisite, but as you move forward, you create great momentum.
I talk to so many people who want to make art, but they never do. When I hear the excuses, I will not try to convince anyone to do what they love.
It is a personal choice. Today I allow myself to create a day to my liking, which includes art-making or crafts of some sort, eating well, breathing some fresh air, hugging a tree, and having a good night’s sleep. I do work a job, but only on my terms, which does NOT allow for burn-out.
How can you change your life today?
What could you do? Change, once and for all, one habit that drives you nuts. Investigate how you can incorporate a spiritual practice in your life. Honor your body with good food and a walk. Make some art. Your choice, but choose one little thing and stick with it.
The people who like to make art are doing it. People who love to write are doing it. People who want to exercise are doing it. They chose to incorporate it into their lives because it uplifts them.
Women usually think about others’ well-being first, and that is something we learned by watching other women. For goodness sake, allow yourself some self-love! You will not reach sainthood by being everything to everyone. You’re gaining no brownie points with the Divine, au contraire.
Make a decision to set aside one hour each day for self love.
A few examples of allowing yourself self-love
Get up earlier in the morning and spend time writing in a journal about YOUR needs and how you can satisfy them.
Make some art
Meditate or do yoga. Awareness of self is everything.
Connect with nature and breathe in the healing qualities.
Get in touch with your body and HOW YOU REALLY FEEL. Most people live outside their bodies to cope with the pressures of daily life.
Put your own well-being FIRST!
I hope you do something because I’m tired of listening to excuses. Have a love story with your art making, starting today.
It can be rough at times, but if you are the creator of your own life, you know how to get back to the “good vibes.”
Lots of love,

P.S. You can check out more info about spiritual practice HERE. Art practice inspiration is available on YouTube in any form you like. If you want to check out my art journaling videos, go HERE.
Allowing yourself more inspiration, read this blog post: Creativity, spirituality, and passion.