Long journey of art is what you do in life as an artist. So many things change, but expression is something that calls from within. Have you felt the call but also the resistance?
It’s in human nature to procrastinate even though we know better. But you’d better begin because the journey is long as I said, yet, you can make a piece of art today!
I have gone through many incarnations as an artist in this lifetime.
I copied pictures from magazines, had a stint as a primitive country artist, a longer stint as an abstract painter, mosaic artist, many years of art journaling and mixed media. I still do that, but I also feel a pull towards something new, which can only be a deeper expression of who I am. I don’t want to copy or do a particular style any more.
I had a lovely chat with local artist and friend Joanna Mazurek
She went the traditional way of attending several art schools, and then left it all behind after twenty years as an artist. But, once an artist, always an artist…
I love to hear other artists’ perspective and get inspired by their inner drive to express themselves.
You need to express yourself. What else is there? As you go deeper into the art, you also go deeper into yourself.
If you’re expression is something else, go explore it.
The pull to express yourself is your God-given gift to share with the world and with yourself.
Take the long view. You don’t have to be a sprinter. There is no competition or anyone standing over you with a stop watch.
We live life like that, rushing from one thing to another, and I have come to understand it’s so wrong. I spent so many years living other people’s dreams.
Even tiny baby steps towards expressing yourself is worth weeks of conditioned living. You can’t measure the impact on a grander scale, but the impact can be great.
A tiny flame starts a forest fire. The more tiny steps into exploration become a great sucking pull to express wildly, freely, and happily.
It’s worth finding your life. Find the mystery!
It’s also necessary to go through the “ugly” stages to get to a place in the process where you look at your art in wonder. It takes courage.
I will probably make art for the rest of my life, but as in the past, there has been ebb and flow.
The meandering long journey of art, oh how you challenge me, but I do love you! 🙂
Heed that call; it’s never too late!
Happy Halloween.
Lots of love,
P.S. My etsy shop is brimming with goodies for Christmas! Earth and Faery.