How to make a studio mess is so easy, but it’s really hard to sort and clean, and the floor, to say the least, is a disgrace. However, on the bright side, I created many cute things in June. It was sweltering outside every day, so I spent most of my time in air conditioning.
June was a month of diversity. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with crocheting, so I made a blanket. I started it in April, but I worked on it every day, and I love the design: The Fruit Basket blanket designed by Janie Crow. She’s an amazing designer, and I recently ordered the yarn to make her Lily Pond blanket next.
Here’s my blanket, but it still needs blocking to get all the kinks out.
The pattern was difficult, especially since I only knew basic crocheting at the start. But they say discipline is a virtue, so I stuck with it, and I learned a bunch!
Studio mess
I have been making dioramas lately, and those are so much fun. Here are a few examples. Many of the components are natural, things I picked off the ground.
I wish one of my three black-and-white cats could garden (especially weeding!) The last two dioramas were made from one paper mache box that I covered with plaster. The lid became the frame for an angel, and the box with the cat, a garden. I shaped that box a bit to make it less deep. Too deep and it gets dark at the back even if it’s painted white.
All these items are available in my etsy shop EarthandFaery.
I started painting a clay bird this morning and realized I didn’t like the colors. I was going to list it in my shop along with its sister waiting patiently in the background, but it’ll have to wait.
So that’s what’s going on around here, ugly birds and pretty birds.
I will have to clean since the actual workspace is getting smaller and smaller…
To put off the inevitable, I might use the rest of the yarn from the blanket and make some pillows…
Creativity comes in many forms as in art, crafts, inspired thinking, problem solving, seeing the big picture and implementing the vision. There’s more, but I’m focusing on art / crafts as you know.
In these times it’s easy to get into bad habits, over-eating for comfort, watching too much television, lacking exercise, you name it. It’s like comfort food. It makes you feel comforted for a while, but your stomach might not like the addition. We seldom question these things, and we ignore our feelings and insights.
It’s human nature, of course, but to create something sustainable in whatever field, you have to apply yourself. If you don’t do what you know you want to do, you’re going to feel bad. We’ve all be there, but we don’t want to stay there.
When I was young, I procrastinated like crazy, but over time, I have developed much better habits. We want to perform well, be it at a job, or in front of the easel. My dad used to say, “if there’s something you have to do that you hate, do it immediately.” I so get what he meant. When I procrastinate, I have to THINK about the problem all the time. If I tackle it, the pain will be over quickly!
To do that, we have to set up some kind of framework. I have goal setting of sorts. I have to list things in my Etsy shop all the time to keep things fresh, so four days out of seven, I have to create something and list it.
For the most part, it works, and I have made a pact with myself to stick to the plan. Another commitment is to make something for the PFATT marketplace every month, and it can’t be a small insignificant thing. So I have to make at least two quality items, preferably four. Between Etsy and that, and two blog posts, and a newsletter, my hands are full!
But I love it!
Here’s a fun challenge
What do you love the most right now in your art practice (or other?)
List a few things you’d love to try, and then rank them. Concentrate on the top two and make a plan on how to manifest them. It could involve getting some art supplies, take a class, clean your art room.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with bullet lists. I use one loosely. Each week I make a list of everything I want to accomplish and then cross them off as I go. No hard and fast rules, but I do refer to that piece of paper to keep myself accountable.
If we have bad habits we’re not honoring ourselves.
You might not be able to break a bad habit easily, but ADD some good habits and set some artistic goals. One week is a good time frame, and as you get better at it, make a schedule for a month. I promise, you will feel so accomplished and uplifted, and more self-confident.
If we all were good self-motivators, we would be doing the things we love all the time. 🙂 I would love to hear from you how you’re using creativity to keep yourself upbeat in these times. You can write to me at
I get a lot of questions about procrastination. I have written many posts in the past that deal with that and fear.
The point is to take small steps in the right direction and stick to it. Anything worth doing, like art, takes time and dedication, and the rewards are great!
I have been a bit busy, but not as busy as I’d like, haha.
I made a Halloween owl for the PFATT marketplace, and a monster doll that I might offer there or on Etsy.
On my work tableMr. Halloween owl.
I don’t have a name for the owl yet. Any suggestions?
Monster doll eyes in the making.Creativity and experimentation.
I have always loved the monster dolls on Pinterest, so I decided to try one of my own. So much fun! Sewing is not my favorite thing, but I like to mix things up. Pinterest is a great place to get ideas!
I painted and made another clay figure, and the month isn’t over yet, so who knows what comes next?
Whimsy is the name of the game in my studio.
It seems I used blue a lot in my latest creations… These six items are now available in my Etsy shop, Earth and Faery.
Keep your vibe high! 🙂 Do what you love, at least fit it in between chores and work. It’s really important.
Lots of love,
P.S. TIP: keep a small journal and a pouch of pens in your purse and doodle when you’re waiting at appointments, school pick ups, and having a coffee at Starbuck’s! Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Christmas is still a few months away, but people seem to enjoy getting a head start on gift shopping, and this year might prove the same–or not. We live in strange times.
I was invited to join the Pfatt Marketplace (Prominent Folk Artist’s Trinkets and Treasures), and I just submitted my Christmas items for the July launch which happens on July 10. New items are for sale every month on the 10th. I enjoy trying out a new venue. I made some angels and a Christmas village. I will use my Etsy name, Earth and Faery there. You can check out the site HERE.
I have been busy this June and it feels good to be productive. I’ve had my eye on a set of metal fondant letter cutters at Michael’s and I finally took the plunge and bought them. I had no idea how they would work out on for my polymer clay, but I wanted to try. They come in a round tin and can be found in the baking department.
letter cutters
In the summer, the polymer clay gets sticky in the heat even though I keep it in the fridge. Once you roll it out it loses its chill. It was hard to get the clay out of the letters. I used the round end of a small brush to poke it through. It dented the clay, and some letters I could turn over, but the others I had to smooth out the best I could. I wasn’t too thrilled about the rounded edges of the letters for some reason.
It’s something you can try with your art.
Christmas in July
They pretty much took over the plaque, but I was pleased in general. I made specialty tiles with red, green, and gold paint, just to make it Christmas-y.
It has been 100 degrees here so it’s hard to get into any kind of Christmas feeling…
The last mixed media village I made sold out, but I have four more houses available now.
Mixed media art houses
Besides making my mosaics, I’ve moved deeper into the rabbit hole of clay figures. I can tell you it’s so much fun! You should try making some. It’s not that hard.
Apoxie Sculpt clay figures
The faces are the hardest part, but the more you practice, the better they get. I also add a little bird to every figure I make. I just like birds a lot. All of my figures are for sale. You can check out my inventory HERE. I add more things every day.
Make a mini shrine today I told myself, and make it a tutorial. Yes, that sounded like a good idea. I have some digital print-outs of the Virgin Mary. I love the old-style art. I also have some Tim Holtz metal frames sitting around, so I decided to use one.
But, I have also made some molds lately, including frames. Check it out:
The metal hair clip made a terrific indent for polymer clay flowers. I have already made a bunch of those. I used some on this mosaic mirror:
polymer clay mosaic mirror
Back to the tutorial:
I used an empty Altoids tin for this mini shrine.
Altoids tin
But you can use any old tin on hand or buy one. I used the tin as a pattern for the heavy-duty decorative paper I used to cover the embossed lid.
Paper cover
I then gessoed the back and sides of the outside tin to cover the printed metal.
Paper covering the top of the lid
I glued down the paper with craft glue that I spread evenly over the entire surface. The Mary icon I brushed with Mod Podge front and back to preserve the ink image. Then I glued it to the frame and filled in with some cut out white flowers. Then I spread Judikin’s Diamond Glaze all over the image and let it dry. Depending on how thick you spread it, expect to wait a few hours for it to dry.
inside lidAdding a second layer of paper
I used some starred tissue paper to make a second layer of interest to the lid.
tissue paper layer making the mosaic vignette
It took me a while to add the small mosaic tiles since the corners are rounded, and I had only so much space to play with. I was happy with the outcome though.
front cover
I had glued down the paper on the front, and then I decided to add a paper border. Lots of measuring and gluing to get everything to fit. I pondered what to use for embellishment on the front. I had many tiles to choose from. I ended up with a leaf tile and the word soul.
Leaf decorationHeart charm
On the inside cover, I glued down a heart charm and the word peace.
Painting the outside lavender
I painted the outside lavender and added a paper border to the edge of the lid for more interest. I was happy with the end result. I made another tin the other day. Check out the pictures.
Make a mini shrineThe outside
I never know what will inspire me from day to day, but as I consistently show up in the studio, something calls out and I make it or paint it. Life is good!
If you are not happy with your life, make something with your hands. Crafting is very satisfying, and it takes your mind off other not-so-pleasant things. Word!
I made some different polymer clay mosaics lately, one of them the mirror above. They don’t make mirrors like that with a flat rim anymore, so I had to buy a plain frame and have a mirror cut for it.
You are loved wall plaque
You are loved…
You are loved wall plaque is something I listed in my Etsy shop this week. You can check out all the new items on Earth and Faery.
A couple of years ago, I made a YouTube video on how to make a tin shrine. If you prefer watching to reading, check it out HERE.
I have posted another tutorial lately on how to take an old painting and transform it. You can check that out for inspiration From Drab to Colorful.
Inspiration, where to find it. It can be found everywhere. I often hear that question: what inspires you?
I get inspired mostly by doing. When I get bored with one type of creativity I make something else. How people can continue to paint in one style or one subject is incomprehensible to me, but it’s common. Maybe they don’t make art that often?
I love to try new things. Lately, I have been tired of making my mosaics, so I got this songbird pattern from Ann Wood and hand sewed a little bird. I used scrap fabrics I had painted and dyed in the past.
I had a problem with the legs, but it worked itself out. So much fun to stretch oneself. Inspiration is in trying, to immerse oneself in something totally new. I have sewn before, but never a soft sculpture like this. I think I must make more! 🙂
What fires you up? What could you try today?
I joined a local ceramics class this fall, and clay is harder to work with than you think. I find polymer clay much easier since it’s more elastic.
I made a series of critters and the glazing came out completely different when fired than I had envisioned.
Inspiration is trying and finding out that the outcome might not be what you expected, but that’s half the fun.
critter inspiration
One thing I’ve learned: Surprise keeps the freshness of creativity alive.
Today, think of something you’d love to try, but haven’t. Gather the materials, take a class or watch some YouTube videos for inspiration. Then try your own.
The more you’re used to making things, the easier it is to get started and follow through.
To stay inspired it’s important to show up in the studio every day.
Even if you can only devote 15 minutes a day, that is enough to keep that creative muscle strong and ready for action.
I know I can go back to my painting and my mosaics whenever I want, but trying new things spark ideas. I get tickled by possibilities.
We’re heading toward another weekend. If you had 15 minutes to spare for creativity, what would you do?
Do it, and you might find yourself inspired enough to keep going…
Spirit box tutorial with pictures is here! If you have followed my blog or posts on Facebook, you know that I don’t like to stay with one art medium for long. I guess I’m half a crafts’ person / art journaler, and half painter.
Mood decides which side wins any given day.
Inspired by mixed media artist Lyn Belisle, I made these Spirit boxes. She wrote a how-to article in Cloth, Paper, Scissors a few years back and I saved said article to experiment with later. Here are my experiments. I made two boxes.
You might have seen my angel shrines described in some earlier posts. I had a couple of left over molded faces from that project and decided to use them for the Spirit box dolls.
First I cut out two pieces of heavy cardboard, 4×3.5″ and glued them together like a “cross.” I covered them with scrap-book paper.
The face is really too small for this. I should have used a smaller cardboard base. But, I decided I would make it look narrower with some vertical stripes. I didn’t get a picture of that exact process, but you can see the result in the finished picture.
spirit box
I like to use twigs as a natural element to add dimension. I have some very tough branches in my backyard, and I don’t know the name of the tree, but you need to find tough dry twigs to use or they might break. I suppose you could use green twigs, but I haven’t tried that.
Hook and Eye, but only the eye…
I used a random metal eye to wrap with copper around the twig. I added a bead for some sparkle on the main focus point.
I made a cardboard halo and painted it gold. The second halo is a scrap-book cut-out of a clock face.
spirit box
Spirit box
I chose random scrap-book papers and wrapping paper. I used hand-dyed strips of fabric and hemp string to make the parts dangling off the metal eye.
Hair and head are attached here with a large glob of glue. I used eyelash yarn in two colors, green and purple.
spirit box
spirit box
Where is the box part?
I gessoed an empty Altoids(tm) tin and inserted a metal wire, using an awl to punch two holes on the bottom end of the tin. See picture. The doll will be glued to the lid for unhindered access to the box.
You can glue a piece of paper to the bottom of the tin (that will face the wall when hanging.) Optional.
spirit box
I added more dangly stuff to the metal eye, buttons on hemp string in two colors, a prayer box charm.
Everything is glued on securely. I believe in heavy application of glue… 🙂 Speaking of glue, below is a picture of the attached tin to the back of the doll. As you can see, the lid is glued to the back. I added scrap-book paper to cover up any paper gaps on the back of the doll itself.
Doll number two.
I used various papers and strips I cut to fashion the “clothing” for this doll.
spirit doll
All my materials covered every inch of my work table.
spirit doll
spirit doll
Now make your own. It’s easier than you think. Use whatever materials you have on hand. You could use a thrift store doll face. Great gift idea, and you can put some special treasure in the box for the recipient to find.
I have some doll faces (more elaborate than these) for sale in my etsy shop. They are meant to be used in doll assembly, but would work as talismans or ornaments too. Check them out in my etsy shop EARTH AND FAERY.
Free shipping, yay!
You can find Lyn Belisle’s website HERE. She has so much inspiration to share! I love her spirit dolls.
You can also join my NEW Facebook group for more sharing: HeART Inspiration.
Artist and writer
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