Category Archives: crochet

How to make a studio mess

How to make a studio mess is so easy, but it’s really hard to sort and clean, and the floor, to say the least, is a disgrace. However, on the bright side, I created many cute things in June. It was sweltering outside every day, so I spent most of my time in air conditioning.

June was a month of diversity. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with crocheting, so I made a blanket. I started it in April, but I worked on it every day, and I love the design: The Fruit Basket blanket designed by Janie Crow. She’s an amazing designer, and I recently ordered the yarn to make her Lily Pond blanket next.

Here’s my blanket, but it still needs blocking to get all the kinks out.

The pattern was difficult, especially since I only knew basic crocheting at the start. But they say discipline is a virtue, so I stuck with it, and I learned a bunch!

Studio mess

I have been making dioramas lately, and those are so much fun. Here are a few examples. Many of the components are natural, things I picked off the ground.

I wish one of my three black-and-white cats could garden (especially weeding!) The last two dioramas were made from one paper mache box that I covered with plaster. The lid became the frame for an angel, and the box with the cat, a garden. I shaped that box a bit to make it less deep. Too deep and it gets dark at the back even if it’s painted white.

All these items are available in my etsy shop EarthandFaery.

I started painting a clay bird this morning and realized I didn’t like the colors. I was going to list it in my shop along with its sister waiting patiently in the background, but it’ll have to wait.

So that’s what’s going on around here, ugly birds and pretty birds.

I will have to clean since the actual workspace is getting smaller and smaller…

To put off the inevitable, I might use the rest of the yarn from the blanket and make some pillows…

I wish you a creative July! Happy 4th!!!


How to make a rustic clay plaque

How to are two words that I live by. I love to learn new art techniques, and I love to share my knowledge. I published a new YouTube video this morning on how to make a rustic clay plaque with cute embellishments. See picture below. You can check out the video HERE.

May was a very productive month for me, and I spent most days in the studio. It has gotten midsummer hot already in Florida so I like to stay in the air-conditioned house.

Here are a few examples of my art in May:

There are many more, but I don’t want to upload all of them since some look mostly the same.

Do you struggle with creator’s block? I find that picking up a new type of art expression or taking art classes helps to kickstart your inspiration. Sometimes I get too many ideas and it’s hard to choose what to pursue next. I had difficulties with motivation earlier this spring, but after spending hours on Pinterest and re-taking some old online classes, I was ready to go again. Sometimes you have to regenerate by not making art, and that’s ok. We think it’s the ultimate virtue (by society’s standards) to always be super productive.

Trust in your ability to rest and renew your creative well. All goes in cycles! I say: enjoy every facet of your life!! 🙂

Many of the items above are available in my etsy shop: EarthandFaery

I also took up a challenging crocheting project, a blanket, the Fruit Garden design by Janie Crow. You can find the book on Amazon. Here’s a picture from the book.

So far I’m enjoying the challenge, but it’s not easy. I know I will finish it, but it’s going to take a long time. Taking up a new hobby helps with art inspiration as well.

Have a wonderful June! I wish you lots of creative energy. 🙂

Lots of love,