Tag Archives: Street Crime Unit 22

Welcome to new art offers in January 2025

Welcome to a new year! It feels good to start fresh while intending to have some great new ideas art-wise. I have had a busy month so far, and I like the pace and excitement of creativity. Not only did I make a lot of art, I finished a project that began in the 90s with another writer, and we spent the last six months finishing it. It’s a police mystery / thriller story. See the description below:

Buffalo, 1980s

Detectives Mike McNally and Bill “Turk” Matursky are resolving a tense jumper scenario at a highrise in one of the seedier parts of Buffalo, New York when they hear about the gruesome murder of a Catholic priest.  As an esteemed older priest is murdered three days later, the detectives are assigned to the special task force to help solve the vicious crimes.

There’s only a single clue to go on, and Mike turns to his long-time friend, Father Mark, to help with their investigation. He offers what he can, but the Church is stone-walling the law at every turn. The detectives have to appeal to the city’s underbelly for leads. Through many twists and turns, they discover that the suicide of a fellow cop and a tied-up hooker hold surprising clues.

Meanwhile, Turk is going through a personal crisis.  He won’t explain why to Mike who gets more frustrated every time Turk’s rash actions might endanger their lives.

Mike struggles to get past his divorce, but every overture toward a new relationship backfires.

Despite the seriousness of their criminal investigation, they find time to share comical cop stories, and their penny-pinching superior, Captain Burke, has an endless supply. 

Can you blend murder with humor? Maybe it’s the only way cops can cope with the horrors of their work.

It’s available on Amazon Kindle or paperback.

What I made in January

I had a good month creating art, and here’s a gallery view of my latest projects:

These items are all available in my etsy shop EarthandFaery.

The paper birds were a lot of fun to make and I love painting mandalas on wooden boxes.

I have more writing projects coming up soon so I travel between my computer and my studio to get everything done. Focus and intention help to keep my schedule straight and sheer doggedness gets me through the rough spots.

And there’s more…

I also created two PDF patterns:

They are easy to make! Click on the picture for the link.

Almost done… here’s the latest video I made for my YouTube channel: A fairy door diorama. Check it out HERE.

And here’s a praying angel for you. I wish you all the best and lots of creativity! xo