Tag Archives: Monday

Why Monday is my favorite day of the week.

Why Monday is a great day to start a new week of possibilities–in my opinion. A clean slate, with so many paths to take. Mondays are brand new!

I don’t work a 9-5; if I did, I might not see Monday as something to look forward to, but I spend my time doing things that I love–art and writing. There are tedious things involving those endeavors too, but for the most part, I look forward to seeing what I can create that week.

Tuesdays, you’re already into what you’re doing. Wednesdays, you know if the week is going well or if it’s turning out to be the week “from hell.” Yes, they exist too, but what is a bit of resistance in this drama of life?

Thursdays and Fridays are “finish up” days, and weekends are for friends and family. On Sundays, I look back to see how the week was, and then I let it go! LET THAT SH*T GO! We do our best; if we don’t, there’s always a new Monday. 🙂

A Monday type of bird…

I’m working on a new mystery, the third in the series: A Kate Connery cozy mystery set in Upstate New York. It does not have a title yet, but my previous titles are available on Kindle Vella: Done To Death and To Die For. The heroine is a house painter in a quaint small town. She has a crew of three working for her, a former literature professor and two hunky cousins that sleep their way across town. They also land some good jobs via the bedroom. Kate rolls her eyes at them a lot! Her mother says she’s too nosy for her own good, and after almost getting killed twice, she would stop snooping, but no.

I enjoy the challenge of writing a mystery, weaving all the ends together. It’s hard to keep it all straight, and everything has to make sense.

I’ve been painting a lot lately, and the small art pieces are now available in my etsy shop EarthandFaery.

Birds, flowers, and cats are the motifs of the day. They are a treat to paint. I’ve also painted some positive affirmations.

How are your Mondays? Do you enjoy a new week, a new challenge, or is it tedium galore? I realize we gotta eat, but what about enjoying life? I support a bold move toward a more rewarding life, one step at a time.

Lots of love,


A bunch of Mondays

A bunch of Mondays was something I used to say when I had a bad week. Nowadays I love Mondays. I love every day in fact, but Monday is a day full of possibilities for the week. “The world is your oyster” as they say…. or “where there is a will there’s a way.

a bunch of MondaysSquirrels don’t care if it’s Monday or Saturday. They want to eat bird seed and they don’t give up easily when the opportunity is there. They are opportunists, as are most animals when it comes to food. They see the possibilities in life.

People are like caged animals, something we created for ourselves.

Why did we divide the days into weeks in the first place? Cavemen went by the rising and setting of the sun (I surmise.)

People hate Mondays because it heralds the beginning of ANOTHER week, also called the grind.

I used to think Saturday was my favorite day of the week. I could go out shopping and meet up with friends and loved ones. There was always some party or event at night. Those were a bunch of Saturdays…

It got boring fast. I bore easily, but the one thing that never bores me is my art. Art is new every day. Sometimes it’s a struggle, but I would never exchange it for the grind.

When we do more of what we love, the days get filled with possibilities. You get a more positive outlook on life in general. bunch of Mondays

Living life from the perspective of possibilities and joy gives existence a whole new meaning.

We can break out of the cage. First, you have to discover what you really love to do. What comes easily to you? What did you want to do as a kid or teenager?

Do more of it. Sometimes it takes courage to choose a new path, but you get more brave with every step. As you keep on walking you discover that it is the only way to live.

Even if you are part of “the grind” do things that fire you up in your free time. Build dreams, see possibilities.

The inventors of the past were admired because they saw possibilities and took dedicated steps towards realizing their vision.

You don’t have to be an Edison or a Tesla to have an extraordinary life (dream.)

All you have to do is to acknowledge that you have a dream and GO FOR IT!

Monday will become the best day of the week if you do. 🙂



P.S. I have some new and exiting things in my etsy shop. CHECK ‘EM OUT.