I have touched on art as an expression of the intangible before when I wrote about the masters and what they left behind that touches us so deeply. Not just artists, but the musicians too. There were composers like Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach. They are still popular today, and what about all the more modern music that blasts over the internet and the radio?
Those people composed because they had such a strong urge to bring it out to the world. Not that they thought about fame and fortune, but something inside urged them to bring the gift out.
When we make something special to us, we also grace the world with that special something, the intangible energy that is pure genius. We can’t all be Beethoven or Rembrandt, but we have the gift of genius as well. Just touching ONE person’s heart is enough.
I was thinking about that when I went grocery shopping yesterday. Sometimes the energy is drab and low in the stores, but just one smile can change the energy to something better. One smile can change a person’s day. So, I go to the stores with the intention of bringing a good vibe, like magic dust, spread it around and touch someone with a bit of cheer.
Everything we do, if we do it with care and with a cheerful spirit, is genius. It’s that intangible something that comes from within. The trick is to live in the moment, not in memories or worries for the future.
In other words, to become a genius and be who you were meant to be from the get go is to practice staying in the moment of now and create. A whole new world opens up.
Yesterday, I was driving down this busy highway that everyone hates around here and cars hurtled by at breakneck speeds. Usually, I feel a bit anxious about being in the middle of the traffic “soup,” but yesterday it was like being in a vision of joy propelling the cars forward. Somehow I had tapped into the universal power that drives everything, and all I could see was joyous movement. So strange.
The moment deepens into a whole new view of the world, and when I bring that to my art, everyone loves it. I need to be there more often. 🙂
Have you let your genius out? If not, it’s about time to allow the bigger you to play. Slap some paint around and see what happens. Sometimes we have to break all the rules to get out of the box.
I’m not getting back in that box! Once out, you can’t really go back in. If you do, you feel like a fool.
Going to my studio now…
P.S. I have three self-study e-courses available to get that art mojo going! CLICK HERE.