Tag Archives: free

Get unstuck!


Get unstuck!   I can help you move from limbo to purpose. When the kids are gone, your job is gone, and life feels empty, it’s time to take some good action!

I’ve been going nuts playing at being a techie and getting WordPress plugins to work.  It’s a nightmare, but I’m learning something new every time I tackle the never-ending computer tasks.  The secret is to never give up or work until your eyes can’t focus any longer or you drop from sheer exhaustion.   Yeah, that’s how I roll sometimes when I’m on a mission.  Life is short.

I’m really excited about my freebie e-course coming up. I put up a video today to introduce the program, and I think it will be well received.  It going to happen in email so if you’re not on my email list for this event, go over and read all about it  HERE. 

It is going to involve some art, but nothing that will be super challenging.  Anyone can do it.

I use art as a transformational tool. As I transform myself I can also inspire others to get going and never look back at the life that didn’t work very well.  I created a Facebook page for people who sign up, but if you’re interested in art and learning more about it, you can join.  Click here.  The more the merrier I say.

It is going to be fun!

I’m signing off now…



P.S.  If you want a good challenge, you can sign up for my e-course Visionary Art Journaling.  I went in deep on that one, and so will you. GO HERE!  Art can truly transform your life.

….because life happens NOW!