A lot of people, including myself, are waiting to start living.
After the memorial service I attended yesterday, it was brought home to me that 3D life can end in a split second, so why hold on to anything?
Why not go all out and live in a way that supports, activates, thrills, and satisfies us? That is of course different for each person, but if we follow the inner lode star (as in listening to that “small still voice”) we will make choices from a point of aliveness instead of fear.
When I forget to breathe, I have lost my center. It is a vital practice to stay in one’s center for making the choices of the soul. The soul is still, yet acutely alive, while the ego is never satisfied always grasping for more. The ego wants to win big, and then bigger. Be faster, thinner, more successful. Still, that will never be enough.
The soul abides in the stillness within, and when the time is right, inspires action that is aligned with one’s highest purpose. Here is where I stumble a lot. I’m impatient and want things to happen NOW, so I force the action. That is never aligned. It leads to burn out and frustration.
Soul inspired action leads to enjoyment and enthusiasm. The “wanting” and the “hustle” is gone, yet a lot gets done IN ITS OWN TIME. It takes trust and dedication to live from a soul driven life.
It doesn’t matter WHAT we do, but if we choose to do things out of fear and shoulds and have-tos, we are totally missing the point.
Soul inspired action is easy and smooth. There might be hard work involved, but it doesn’t feel like hard work, more like an immersion.
I believe it’s the new way of doing “business.” To be uniquely you in all that you do, (including when you’re doing the dishes.) Not your personality but the very essence of who you are. It takes practice to stay in your center.
The ego will never go away, but it can be tamed to fall in with one’s true wishes as long as it understands there is no fear or danger involved.
The thing to remember and practice is to:
When we live from that point life becomes an adventure. Let go, dare to live with uncertainty, be bold, truly listen within, and trust your body.
Have a creative week, folks! xo
P.S. I have some cool self-study e-courses available HERE.