Sometimes we set impossible goals, or goals we’re not quite ready for, and then we beat ourselves up for not accomplishing them.
It’s good to have a schedule or a plan and to stick with it, but if it’s totally overwhelming it’s going to be counter-productive.
If you discard a goal and feel bad about it, know that today is a new day. How can you modify the goal and feel more at ease? Life is not a race and what others accomplish has nothing to do with you.
I made a goal at the beginning of 2016 to offer something free or paid art-wise to my artist friends. I followed through until June and when six months were almost up I realized so many things had been counter productive.
I can just give up or beat myself up about it ad nauseam, but that is even more counter productive.
I learned something along the way about the process and that is priceless. If I hadn’t taken the action I would still be in the dark.
It’s not about discarding the dream, but to make it more streamlined to who YOU are, not what people might expect. Or even bigger still: what you expect of yourself.
Listen to your own drumbeat.

I have always been a doer and sometimes I forget to listen to my own drum. But it’s getting better. Nowadays, I don’t get as far away from myself as I used to do, and I truly want to offer the best me to the world.
I don’t compromise while creating my art, but how I bring it out to the world the best way is still somewhat of a mystery. All I can do is keep exploring and see what responses I get.
One thing I do know. Your dream is important and when you talk about it, you might help someone on the other side of the world as you pursue your own process.
I often get comments like, “oh, I really needed to hear that today, thank you.” Then, what I thought was a half-assed blog post or art offering, means something. It’s verification that I’m headed in the right direction, and that I inspire others.
That makes every step worth it.
To find the right way sometimes takes many tries, but there are no failures, only experiences.
Believe enough in yourself and keep the dream alive. There really is no other alternative!
So, STOP beating yourself up from now on. 🙂
P.S. If you’d like to try one of my evergreen art journaling e-courses, go HERE to check them out.