Tag Archives: children


Boundaries, are you good at keeping yours? I feel lately as if my world has rocked from “attacks” on my boundaries and I find myself evaluating what is real TO ME and what the world expects of me.

As an artist, it’s good to have no boundaries in a creative sense, like children, but as soon as you step out of that zone, a whole other world comes at ya.


What was ok yesterday might not work today.  I find myself living in a somewhat fluid perception juggling the two worlds, the one of my sacred pursuit of art making, and the world of contraries where people constantly want something from me.

It would be easy to be totally ungrounded and live in la-la land, but that’s avoidance. I have learned that my time is precious and so am I.

Space cadets need not approach….

I can choose what is ok for me, but there is always the guilt factor lurking in the background (along with the inner critic. They are having a party.)

If you speak your truth (without cringing) the world might turn ugly around you. I’ve had some experiences lately so I’m reviewing what is ok and what isn’t.

People don’t like it when you stand in your power.

It’s the world according to them, or no world. I’m just a convenience at that point.

The more I speak up, the easier it gets. I highly recommend it since it makes YOUR world right, and you know how much you can give without guilt. We are trained as children to come second to everyone and everything else, especially women are raised that way,

I might turn out like the comic character Maxine, haha.


Some would say she has no filters. Neither do kids, so why not be more like them while including some kindness in the forthright speech? Kindness is free, and it might soften the blow of your truth, BUT some only understand the punch of a two-by-four to the head.

I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings, but I certainly don’t want my own feelings hurt either even if the world thinks it’s ok to step on them.

Anyhow, I will now retreat to my studio and behave like a child again. A child with both feet on the ground and head in the clouds.

I’m learning about boundaries and I’m getting better at shoring them up every day, yay!

Have a great creative weekend.



P.S. Check out my etsy shop EARTH AND FAERY. Lots of new artsy things in there.

Destruction of innocence.

Destruction of innocence is rampant this day and age. In my work as an artist I come across sooo many people who don’t know or don’t dare to express themselves. So indoctrinated we have become, and it’s a sad sight to see!

herd of sheep
herd of sheep

We never planned to be a herd of sheep. When we were children our imagination was wild and alive. We could play with anything and make it into something it wasn’t. That didn’t matter; we enjoyed the process all the same.

I come across people all the time who say “I can’t draw,” “I can’t make art,” I’ve never been good at painting.”

Whoever imprinted that on children has done the world a disfavor, but then of course, they had themselves been imprinted with “Sheep sameness syndrome.” (Sorry sheep. They are probably more in tune with life than we’ll ever be.)

Getting back to art, all I can say, pick up that brush and push a bold stroke of paint across the canvas. It’s not going to kill you. Rinse and repeat with as many colors you like.

It takes courage to be four years old again.  “What if I ruin the canvas?” What if it turns out all muddy?” “What if it turns out UGLY?”

It WILL most likely be ugly, but so what? I’m sure Rembrandt started out with ugly, and his master probably said ‘You won’t amount to anything; you can’t even draw straight lines.”

With ugly you learn that maybe you shouldn’t mix all those colors together and get muddy brown.  A step in the right direction, right?

We are so afraid of failure, of what people will think, and that we can’t possibly accomplish anything worthwhile.  We live in a black and white movie. Technicolor is definitely available, but it’s up to you to step into that theater.

Just the act of picking up a brush and putting it on the surface is a novel idea that strikes fear in the heart of ‘gods.” Yes, we are gods and goddesses.


Remember when you learned how to bicycle? What a totally blissful experience and sense of accomplishment. I was four years old, on my brother’s cast-off bike, and my dad pushing at the back. I never feared I would lose my biking ability after and I never did.  I KNEW. Experience brings trust.

That feeling is always inside of us, and when we try something new, whether we succeed or fail, doesn’t matter. Something inside drives us to push on until we succeed  (success in your own definition.) Success equals daring to me. When I try something new, not necessarily sky diving, but something I haven’t done before, I call on my inner child. Maybe it will be scary and I make a fool of myself in front of others, but I DARED, and by that I learned something, and I also grew my soul.

I will never forget when I fell off that ski lift (first try) and my pants split open and filled my ass with snow.

Today, try something you haven’t tried before, something a bit outside your comfort zone. You might surprise yourself on the road less traveled, and you might come across some sheep who has left the herd and has wonderful tales of inspiration to tell.

It is the time for the explorer, the curious, and the brave. Be THAT one. No one is going to bite you, unless you go into a den of cobras…. 😉

P.S. The FREE year-long 2017 art exploration is going strong. Join my brave art explorers today! CLICK HERE.

