Crossroads can be tough when you don’t know where to go next. I have found myself in that situation lately. I have so much inspiration, but what do I actually want to create?
I have been buying different kinds of art supplies that I would never look at before. Now I look for possibilities.
There is always some component missing for a project, or if you want to start a whole new creative stream, you have to invest in a lot of things, like tools and other supplies, to get it going.
I’ve been trying to use the debris in my studio, things I’ve had for years but didn’t know how to use. So what if I don’t know; I will charge ahead anyway.
Here’s an example of what I made lately.

I had some wire, polymer clay, and an empty “useless” box, plus an old key.
Crossroads can be tough, but you have experience.
When you have the experience, you know what your hands can do, so it’s easier to move forward. If you’re just starting out exploring your creativity, CHOOSE SOMETHING that appeals to you, and go for it! Don’t look at popular trends. That won’t work in the long run.
Do what feels good.
Which path seems the most alive? You don’t want to go backward, so it’s either going forward straight ahead or take the other road.
What is pulling you forward?
I have been making a lot of polymer clay mosaics, and recently I’ve found new tools to use for a different style of tiles. It makes an old craft exciting. I have also been drawn to sculpting more.

I’ve been sculpting clay faces for spirit dolls, and it has been hard to get the features right. They are far from perfect, but I keep trying, using the advice I’ve found online.
Faith in your abilities will make you take risks.
Crossroads force us to take a look at where we are and where we are going. They give us a gentle push away from the stagnation that happens if we refuse to grow.
Walking the path of an artist is a constant call to change.
People don’t like change, but as artists, we have to move forward if we want to explore the inner expansion that art offers us.
Maybe you’re called to leave an entire career…
That is a scary idea. We have all many reasons to stay where we are, in safety, and there is comfort in that, but meanwhile, the soul is calling us elsewhere. Listen closely to that call.
If you dare to follow your inner guidance, life might be tougher in some ways, but infinitely more rewarding.
At least take some steps in the direction of that call. If you lack in faith and experience, go forward anyway. There is lots of help along the way.
Take interesting live art classes and learn new skills. The teacher’s enthusiasm will rub off on you! 🙂

I made a small journal from an old manila folder. The tags and papers are all chosen from my studio detritus. I used paper, glue, washi tape, a sewing machine to make a fabric spine and seal the edges. I ended up with several pockets and many tags.
What is your next step?
I’m going to make a mixed media house with a bird.
Have a creative week!
P.S. I have many new things in my Etsy shop: Earth and Faery.
Lots of ideas for boho gifts. If you missed my last blog post you can find it here, Gold Dust Makes Everything Better.