Category Archives: motivational

Stop being that way!

Hey you,

Stop being that way!  I can feel all the frowns coming at me, but seriously, I have come across several people lately who complain about their lives, but they don’t want to do anything about it.  To change, we have to take some risks and explore new territory.  Why are there so few people willing to change?  You rather live in misery?  None of my business, right?  True, but I can’t help but say, hey, don’t complain if you don’t want to change your life.

The only ones willing to change are those who have been up against the wall with serious health problems or other stressful situations.  Why wait until crisis strikes?  Life is frigging short!

Fear is what holds people back, but being a coward never got you anywhere.  Fear of money, fear of other people’s opinions, fear of the boss, fear that you’re-not-good-enough.  Fear of taking one step toward change.

There is only one person like you, and you have gifts to share.

Why waste in on mind-numbing TV?

What is your passion right now?  What could you do that would light you up?  You know that old hobby you shoved to the back of the closet… that’s the one.  Or the classes you’ve been wanting to explore.  NOW is the time.

Stand stronger in who you really are every day and feel the fierceness and longing take hold and carry you onward to something so much more exciting.

I’ve never lived a conventional life. I can’t say it has been easy, but I could never conform, not for any length of time.  Truth to tell, I’m not a rebel at all, but I’m thoroughly sick and tired of the conventional world, the gossip and the chit-chat, the greed and the selfishness.  Activities that lead to nowhere.  Where is the meaning?

I spend a lot of time alone since it feeds my soul. I listen to the silence, and it’s enough for me.  That’s not me, you say.  What are you then?  Stop the numbness already.  Be or become that person who lives from within with passion and purpose.  It’s all in there.

Bring that gift to the world!  We need it.

That’s what I’m doing –to the best of my ability.

Rant over,



P.S. If you’d like some FREE art inspiration, a whopping 37 page PDF, sign up for my newsletter HERE.


Stop everything!

Stop everything and check this out.  I created a 37-page art journaling manual and added my awesome Stargirl mixed media tutorial to the manual, so now you can download a double gift for FREE.   Sign up for my newsletter and it’s yours instantly.  If you have ever wanted to get into art journaling, this will help you to get started right away.

I have taken all the mystery out of it, and there is no reason to fear the dreaded white page.  In other words, there are no excuses why you can’t try it.

I really enjoy sharing my knowledge gathered over the years of art experimentation.

Fear is what stops us in our tracks, and we are procrastination experts, right?  I know I am, but I also have a drive inside that I listen to.  So, I challenge you to stop everything and check it out.

Today starts my 6-week Visionary Art Journaling e-course.  You could always join, hint, hint.  Go HERE and check it out.  It’s art created from the inside out.  Not your ordinary journal spread. I would love to see you there, and to see what you create.

Think about it!   Life doesn’t stop for anyone.

…because life is happening NOW!

015Sign up for my newsletter HERE or in the sidebar.

Talk with you soon, lovelies!



Say Yes!

Hello lovelies,

Say yes to something today, maybe even life. What does that mean? It could mean something as simple as saying yes instead of no when someone offers a new experience.

It could be as life changing as saying yes to a job in a different state or country. It could be saying YES to life, wherever it takes us.

I believe in exploring. Sometimes it’s something small, like a wisp of a word that sounds intriguing, or some new online venue or tool, or as big as saying yes: I want to know what my life is about next.

We live in the small increment of now, and more often than not I walk through a tunnel with only a candle in my hand to light the way. It always shows me the next step, and that is all I need to know.

It’s so hard to let go of control, to think that I have to fix everything myself. In reality, I don’t keep my heart beating, something else does.

I know what I like, what I love to do, but that is not necessarily what is best for me. Eating ten donuts is never a good idea, for instance. I can choose to do something that is life affirming, like following my talents and do something with them.

And I do.  I make art to the best of my ability, but sometimes the pieces don’t look right and I get frustrated. BUT, I spent that time making art, and it moved my passion forward and I learned something. Passion is something that makes me feel excited to get up in the morning.

It makes sense to follow where passion leads. I want to feel good. Following my passion is not easy but I learn a lot, and the knowledge is priceless.

Today I woke up tired and feeling blah for no obvious reason. I only had one beer last night and I fell asleep in the middle of a Netflix movie.

I took a look at my studio through the open door and saw the mess of frenzied former activity there. It didn’t inspire, but after I write this, I will go there and I will make art. The siren is calling. If I clean the mess, good, if I don’t, who cares. I have no idea what I will make, but I’ll put pen to paper, or maybe a dab of paint on a canvas. I have several going. I have no idea what the canvases want to “say” but I paint a little here, a little there, and a theme starts emerging. Faith and patience go hand in hand.

What little thing can you do today toward your passion? One little step leads to another. When will your focus become a pinpoint laser that won’t stop for anything until it lights up its target–YOU!

The key to living a passionate life is to move forward every day, one step at a time. A small, but sometimes difficult permission since we don’t allow ourselves to do what we love. Duty calls first, and a day is lost in the fog of duty = possible misery.

Duty to others first. What would happen if you made the time to put yourself first? Maybe get up an hour earlier to draw something in your sketchbook, or write down what is on your mind? Swipe aside all the excuses and create a new life, increment by increment. It’s a great way to live! The world expands with every step, truly.

(Image from Google pictures.)

To get my free Stargirl mixed media tutorial, please sign up for my newsletter HERE.

Truly, take a step toward changing your life if it sucks.

My two cents.



Is life kicking your ass?



It’s time to kick the hell back and set some perimeters of what is acceptable.  First of all, look around.  What do you see?  Either you see a world full of promise or one with lots of problems.  But it all starts with us as individuals.  What do you want to experience in life?  I, for on, like to feel peace inside, but I also like  some asskicking action to make me feel I’m interacting, inspiring, and exploring joy and purpose with the world.

For the most part we don’t live life on our terms.  We get our asses kicked by the system via fear and herd mentality.  There is false security when we rely on the system to take care of us.  That may alleviate some fear, but why give away LIFE for others to decide what you want to experience?   Where will you be when the rug is pulled from under you?

I could never enjoy the 9-5 rat race, and God knows, I’ve had many jobs and worked my butt off for others, but not for myself.  Well, that has ended.  I choose to support myself by stopping to abuse or treat myself like a third class citizen.

And we do!  We always give to others first. Don’t you kinda feel left out??

I can feel peace whenever I want by going within to meditate, but what is it that I put out into the world?  I need to put out there who I truly am.  It’s a journey of discovery, but I’m frigging tired of living according to other people’s ideas.

Who is the best judge of what is good for me?  I am.  Heeellllooooooo.

We, as humanity, have to lift the pillow cases from our heads and take a good look around.  Take a frigging good look around!  How happy are you as a sheep?

Not very.  I know.  I used to look at the clock all the time and wish the day was over.

Is this what I want to share with the world, more misery and unhappiness of every form, or do I want to stand up and be who I truly am and take charge of my life, get a buzz from living fully?   Yes absolutely!

Once you see the whole picture there is no going back to being a sheep again.  I want to live fully, not be a shadow of who I am.  As every action becomes inspired, I inspire others (hopefully) to take some inventory of their lives.

Habits are hard to break, yes, but a slow death while being alive is worse.  Life is an uncertainty, no matter how much we ignore that fact and live under false security.

What kind of legacy do you want to leave?  How do you want to feel?  I choose fulfillment and joy.  I know it’s an inside job, but it’s important how I show up in the world.

It’s hard work to develop yourself and your passion, but nothing is more rewarding in this physical life than doing something worthwhile and feel great in the process.

Everyone will have an opinion of what YOU SHOULD BE DOING, but don’t listen.  What does your heart tell you to do?  If you don’t know, just do one small thing that you have always wanted to do.  Record it in your journal (yes, get a journal going)  and the feeling you got while doing it, and keep doing more things like that.  Before you know it, a path opens up, one you didn’t know was there.

What do you long to do?  Take steps in that direction every day and burdens will be lifted and you’ll feel good about waking up every morning!  How about that?

You would rather think about it or find fault with my reasoning?  Go ahead, no skin off my nose.  It’s your life just cruising  by while you’re watching from the sidelines.

Now, go and kick someone else’s ass!  I’m going to make some art.   My art blog:

