Paint is always something I explore to enhance the quality of my art work. It’s an ongoing quest.
There are so many different brands of paint and you have to try them all to see what works best.
I’ve used Liquitex, Winsor and Newton, Golden, and some other brands I can’t remember now.
Liquitex paints aren’t the best, but they do the job. The pigmentation is rather poor, and some of the paints are very runny and annoying. I think the quality has gone down a lot over the years.
Windsor and Newton paint is a better quality for sure, and Golden, yes, very nice but the price is high.
I came across a box of acrylics at a garage sale for $5 and found this tube:
I had never heard of the brand. Such a strong pigmentation and richness of consistency. The very best. I researched the brand and came to find out it’s by Bill Alexander, an artist/ company similar to the legendary Bob Ross.
I found their sets for sale on their website and they are very pricey. The website is the only place you can buy them (that I know of.)
I went to Jerry’s Artarama to see if they might sell them. Jerry’s always has some good sales going on. Quality canvas for better prices.
Someone had posted that Charvin brand would be comparable to Alexander’s.
It’s another brand of paint I’d never heard of (where have I been?)
I bought four tubes of random colors to complement those I already have. They were on sale for $9.49 each, which wasn’t too bad. Free shipping. Jerry’s had a huge variety of colors. I’d say they are not as good as Alexander paints, but very good. They dry with a slightly slick surface, different from that of Liquitex.
I don’t know about you, but I get tired of using the same colors all the time, so I’m looking to branch out where I can.
I also use lots of permanent inks, but I’m not going to cover those in this post.
I have been busy painting lately in a loose intuitive style. These two paintings are available in my etsy shop. They measure 12×12″.

If you’re looking for some gifts, I have free shipping on my polymer clay mosaics. Lots of inventory right now, and great prices.
Have a great weekend doing and making things you love! Life is too short to waste on trivialities.
Lots of love,