Everyone wants to be perfect this day and age. Toned to perfection, hard abs, fancy clothes, fancy shoes, a hot car.
I have no desire to hustle for perfection. Everywhere we look these days there are unrealistic role models that spout success on every level but the reality is we’re as different from each other as the pebbles on the beach. What works for some people won’t work for others, and what if you reach “perfection” as touted by the media??

So when we reach perfection (a la the norm of the fashion magazines and such) what is next?
Push, push, push yourself to stay in great shape, buy new fancy clothes, etcetera. Be superwoman, go, go, go.
I’m not against pushing oneself to reach goals, but this mindless following of what others tell us we should look like and do is a big fat brainwashing scenario.
I’m all for keeping fit, eat healthy, do something I love so that I can feel fulfilled, but social media today is filled with aggressive success touting coaches that are not based on reality but some Olympic sized goal that most people can’t attain.
The point is, listen to yourself. How do you want to pace yourself? What makes you feel good? How do you do more of what makes you feel good and healthy? One baby step of improvement every day. You may never attain the perfect body; I know I haven’t but it’s possible to take care of oneself and get to a fitness level that makes your body feel strong and healthy.
As far as passion goes. Do more of what makes your soul sing. It can be hard sometimes to work through the resistance, but again, talk to the resistance and take baby steps forward. That’s what I do every day. I don’t care about having millions of dollars, but I care about the quality of my life. I have to work at it; there is no getting around that, but the work is FUN (for the most part.)
Add more health, vitality, fun, passion to life by starting TODAY. What can you do to improve your life today? Just begin.
I have an art challenge going in my Facebook group at the moment. It’s a 14 day challenge about honoring the female principle. I post a prompt every day, and we’re on Day 2. Why not join this free challenge? Join my art group Art Exploration with Maria Greene.
We are all about nurturing and supporting the deep female qualities, and that is so needed in today’s race to be the most perfect, the prettiest, the hottest, the most successful woman around. All it does is spawn competition.
Are you in? You are perfect as you are!! 🙂
