Tag Archives: healing doll

Spirit doll tutorial video

Spirit dolls seem very popular these days. This month I sold out all of my painted clay faces in my Etsy shop Earth and Faery. I had to get busy making more. I had this great idea to make a Green Woman version of the Green Man. It has been a great success, so far.

Then I got the idea of making a video tutorial on how to make a Spirit Doll using fabric scraps and one of my faces. I will explain more, and the link will be below.


I ended up making a series of Green Women until I ran out of green clay… That type is not the only one I sold. I make my usual faces too, and they are generally well-liked.

I also made some unusual ones. My creative muse has been working in overdrive all month.

I’m getting better at sculpting my own faces, but it has been a learning curve for sure, and it ain’t over!

I also got some funky sculptures done from styrofoam eggs and Apoxie Sculpt.

I had a lot of fun making the boots for the light blue chicken! To make the sculpture stand on its own, I had to make heavy shoes / boots. Each time I get a bit more creative, haha.

I also got a couple of paintings done.

Most of these items are available in my etsy shop.

So as you can see, creativity has been my friend this month, and I LET IT! No big resistance.


What are you working on now? I’d love to see some of your art in the comments.

Here’s an older Spirit Doll/ box I posted a couple of years ago. It’s mostly made from paper, and so easy to make!

Spirit Box tutorial.

And another one: Today I Made This Spirit Doll.

Make your own! You can paint the face on fabric, or leave it faceless. It’s the intention that counts!

Lots of love,
