Dream life or dreaming awake? What does that evoke in you? Do you want a dream life with all the comforts and shiny stuff, or do you want to know more about dreaming? As in living by your inner guidance.
Sometimes I feel as if I’m wandering like a puppet through a dream, and that’s in “real” life. People seem like cardboard characters, and the craziness of the world is just that–crazy! As in unreal.
I know in my heart that there are peace and beauty. I feel it every day, and it’s in sharp contrast to the 3D life all around UNLESS you focus on the mystery of life.
The tiny signals, the simple synchronicities in everyday life are what makes things really interesting. They are subtle but you can experience the support of the universe through those signals.
It becomes a fun game to discover more of the treasures.
It’s too difficult to describe since it’s a personal inner experience, but it’s available to anyone who is curious enough to want to find out more.
Life is massively more profound than what we normally experience.
That is what inspires me these days. I want to know more about the mystery.
Everything else is pale in comparison.
Still, I can’t just sit in a corner and wait for things to happen. I still create and that is as close as I can come to the mystery in my actions. I love the surprises that happen.
Lately, I created some clay hearts/ornaments out of air-drying clay. It is different to work with than polymer clay. Lots of fun. I molded everything by hand.
Sooo much fun!
You are blessed! We truly all are. There is a difference to really feeling it versus just seeing the words.
I’m okay with hanging in limbo art-wise. There are so many ways to find expression, and these clay hearts became an experiment when my painting muse had been absent for a while.
Meanwhile, I look toward the mystery every day to see how I can receive more of the gifts by being open and grateful. Everything else has become secondary, but I long to tap more deeply into my creativity too.
I highly recommend a book I read recently: A Complaint Free World, by Will Bowen. I’m in the middle of the 21-day complaint free challenge, and it’s hard. It has shown me just how much negativity seeps from others, and also lives in me. The more aware I become the more I reject complaining, gossiping, sniping, bitching, etc. You get the idea.
Try the experiment. It will change your life! 🙂
So, there is only one way to go–forward!
Kicking and screaming sometimes, but that’s the human dilemma.
My dear companion kitty, Bailey, crossed the Rainbow Bridge two weeks ago, and I miss him so much.
Who is going to lie in the middle of my work table now? He would always jump up when I was in the middle of creating, but I didn’t mind. I moved to the side as you can see in the picture. 🙂
What we do for our furry friends…
I’m going to my studio now. It’s time to create.
I wish you a creative and wonderful weekend with lots of sunshine.
Maria xo
For more inspiration, check out this post: Receiving is a Good Thing.
P.S. The hearts are available in my etsy shop, Earth and Faery, as are a lot of other goodies!