Tag Archives: declutter


Hell yeah, simplify today.

simplfy clutter.

I have been spending a lot of time decluttering my life. Not just all the junk around the house but also my digital junk.  It feels good!

So much stuff drags us down and we don’t even know it.  You know what a “drag” it is to enter a cluttered area, like a stuffed garage.

Some people are unable to part with their stuff, but I’m not one of them, thank God.  I decluttered my closet, my papers, my books, my knicknacks, my email inbox that had about 1000 emails. It came down to about 10 that I still haven’t read and probably never will.

I decluttered my FB friends’ list and groups. I am the member of way too many groups there, and I don’t know how that happened.

I just deleted all of my numerous message threads on my phone, and that felt good. Clean slate is a good feeling. I even decluttered my studio, which is harder than anything else.  Now I can actually find my tools (for now anyway.)  There is a sense of serenity about order.

I love serenity.

I love to simplify my life.  I get a sense of space and serenity.  It makes it easier to think.  I like to see the expanse of my floors, and I like to move around freely without bumping into things.

There is something healing about getting rid of broken things and replacing them, or not.  Everything has to be loved or have a purpose. If I don’t get that from stuff it won’t come into my house. Not anymore.

Books are hard to get rid of, but if I haven’t read them for years and don’t plan on reading them any time soon, out they go.

People who are a drag get decluttered too.  There is no reason to hold on to friendships that don’t lift you up in some way.

Most important: I have been decluttering my belief systems and that is not an easy task, but I feel lighter, so I crave lighter surroundings. It makes sense.

This is not my brain anymore:

brain clutter

A great way to declutter the brain is through meditation! A great practice to do every day.

What have you decluttered lately?



P.S. Check out my etsy shop for some cool, affordable art. HERE.