Dreams and disappointment go hand in hand. Anyone who has tried to create something from “nothing,” from a perceived dream has experienced disappointment.

Disappointment is a given if you step out of your comfort zone and try something new.
I have experienced a LOT of disappointment as I have worked on creating a viable online business. On the bright side, I’m learning loads of helpful stuff along the way.
What does it take to succeed? Only one thing really: keep on going…
The traits we need to develop are patience, persistence, resilience.
If you live long enough you will develop more patience. (hopefully.)
There is a saying: persistence pays. Yes and no. It depends on what you’re persistent about.
Sometimes in life you get to a point where you don’t want to do the same ole same ole. Something inside is pushing to be seen, to be created, by YOU.
Failure brings disappointment, and you will experience lots of failure, but if you keep going, you will have the persistence to see it through to the end.
Resilience rises from a deeper sense of failure, especially if other people pooh-pooh your ideas and dis your dream.
You have your own doubts and nay-sayer inside, but what’s worse is when others criticize your dream. Your best defence is to just accept their opinion as THAT, an opinion, nothing more. It doesn’t mean your dream is useless.
It’s hard to get over your inner doubts and the inner critic who is always willing to throw mud on your ideas, but again, it holds no truth.
Then again, there is the “wrong” dream. I’m on my third dream, and I thought the other two were my true dreams. Loads of disappointment, BUT, I learned a lot along the way, so no experience was wasted. It’s good to be flexible and there are many dreams, not just one.
If the shoe doesn’t fit, try another pair.
What is the easiest? What flows from you with ease? What do you feel comfortable doing? What do you feel excited about teaching?
Try and form a message from your dream. Who do you want to teach or who would like your view of the world and learn from it?
It takes time to figure everything out and the path changes course all the time, but by developing the traits above, you can’t go wrong in the end. You will succeed! Be flexible.
As I said, I had two biz flops before, not to mention all the rejections I got as an aspiring writer. I got there in the end! Persistence truly pays….
Find forgiveness of self for any wrong steps and be gentle. Everything is a learning curve. If others complain it’s because they don’t follow their dream.
It takes courage to move forward.
Dreams are real. They are the stuff why we are here on earth–to create, to discover all the gifts.
It can be lonely as you’re the only one with the vision, but there are like-minded people who want to support you along the way.
You set your course, like the captain of a ship crossing the ocean. If you get off course, reset the compass.
Dream and move forward, greet the disappointment with a handshake of recognition and know that it’s your friend. It’s time to tweak the course across the ocean of creativity.
That last sentence was kind of corny, but oh well.
Here is another blog post on the theme of dreams. Why People Don’t Follow Their Dream.
P.S. I have lots of new things in my etsy shop. Christmas will be here before you know it. EARTHANDFAERY.