Yes, there is too little time to attend to all the art e-courses I signed up for this spring. Some of them run weekly for a long time, and others are short-term courses. How do you manage those classes?
I love them all, but I don’t feel good when I fall behind and let some of the classes slip because other things, like “life” get in the way of my fun.
What makes it so fun is that I can explore other artists’ visions of what they practice and how they see life. It’s a great ongoing exploration.
Some of courses are waaay too long and then I have to figure out which classes to pursue of the offering. As with anything else, we have preferences.
Art is never a BAD practice even if the subject does not thrill you. It is always a learning experience and a new way of looking at things.
If time is short, make a decision to paint X amount of minutes every day and stick with it. That is the answer to “too little time.” It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in as little as 15 minutes a day.
I enjoy that there are e-courses available about all styles of art, and artists. I don’t even have to leave my house.

This was inspired by some abstract tutorial I found online.

I had seen flower mandalas online, and also classes on painting mandalas, so I wanted to try my own. My backyard does not have an abundance of flowers but these came from there. It was fun to make.

I definitely don’t like painting still lives…

I had never tried a self-portrait. I don’t care much for the exercise, but it was challenging. The things in the background are paint tubes. I think I mostly used colored pencils for this portrait. My hair is short now.

We were supposed to paint something upside down so I used a picture of my cat with his head upside down, and then collaged a couple of hands below with a fish.
My mom used to say that when cats sleep with their heads upside down it’s going to rain… I haven’t seen any evidence of that, but she lived closer to nature.
What new things are you trying? Are you involved in any art e-courses this spring? I think it’s worth the effort.
Have a great, creative weekend!!
P.S. You can always try my art journaling tutorial for free if you sign up for my newsletter. 🙂 Click image in the top right hand corner of this page.